
Monday, September 16, 2019


According to the online Oxford Dictionary, schadenfreude is the pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.

This morning on the way to school my son started talking about a story he heard of someone trying to get their pet pig elected into some position in Detroit. 

The motivation for the theatrics was that some of the elected officials have criminal records. Ah. Time and experience has allowed me to see things aren’t always what they seem on the surface. 

Especially in the media.  

It is so easy to judge other people without knowing the circumstance. 

My son accused me of being ‘Pollyannaish’, but this time he didn’t get upset at me (progress!). I asked him, “What was the attempted murder charge? That is a serious offense, no doubt, but there has to be more to the story.” He couldn’t tell me. He was judging just the part of the story someone wanted him to hear for their own gain. 

I smelled schadenfreude. While my son was waiting for class to begin, he must of have looked up why this elected official had been charged with attempted murder. He sent me a screenshot of what he found. 

The man was 18 at the time, being raised by a single mom and thought she was being raped when he came home one day. The elected official who didn’t have a record up until then, shot the man forcing himself on his mother. Yes, incredible harsh consequences and perhaps this is an argument for gun control. But, within the context, I think it shows courage to show up for loved ones when in danger.  Ask questions and lead with compassion as much as possible.

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